Sunday, February 12, 2012

Prepping the Diet (cont'd)

Still waiting for word from the pet store. But, in the meantime, I've been reading up on dietary needs, since i can't seem to find a decent answer anywhere.

I did find many varying accounts though, some that actually dispute what others say and oh the twisted tales of gecko breeders! It's actually kind of humorous, almost as funny as it is aggravating.

At this point, it feels much less like a science, more of an art. The sites I found I've listed below.

JB's Crested Gecko Info
The Gecko Spot
Geckoland Reptiles

Also found a page on

Each site a different opinion, each site a different diet, almost.
The short hand was:
-Be wary of pretty much any kind of hard bodied worms, such as  meal worms and wax worms. They're hard on the digestive track.
-Cricket size shouldn't exceed the distance between the gecko's eyes.
-Try not to overload the gecko with calcium.
-Baby food might be tasty to them, but be careful and feed it at your own risk.
There are about a zillion (no, a gorillian) other things to consider and this aspect of gecko care seems by far the most complex.

One page struck me above the others though, and that's the Diet and Nutrition page (here) of What they say is that they offer their geckos crickets regularly. They also claim to know many other breeders who deny even using crickets, but in fact do. Not sure what the deal is here. When did crickets become contraband? The only thing I can think to do now, at this point is to go with what I feel.

Something else I will most likely look into is this dietary product called Repashy Crested Gecko Diet. It's like a water based fruit mixture that seems to work pretty well when coupled with gust buster crickets (much spiffier name than gut loaded), or even on it's own. I'll have to do some online shopping... which will ahve to wait till after I get some extra cash... Blah.

But, once I iron out a proper meal plan, I'll post it up.

After all this talk of food, there's only one thing left to post.

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